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Smart Tourism & Hospitality



Park, S., Kim, Y. R., Ho, C. S. T. (2022). Analysis of travel mobility under Covid-19: application of network science. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 39 (3), 335-352. [PDF]


Ren. M., Park, S., Xu Y., Huang, X., Zou, L., Wong, M. S., Koh, S-Y (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior: A case study of domestic inbound travelers in Jeju, Korea. Tourism Management, 92. 104533. [PDF]


Xu,Y., Zou, D., Park, S., Li, Q., Zhou, S., & Li, X. (2022). Understanding the movement predictability of international travelers using a nationwide mobile phone dataset collected in South Korea. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 92, 101753. [PDF]




Park, S. (2021). Big data in smart tourism: a perspective article. Journal of Smart Tourism, 1 (3), 3-5. [PDF]


Park, S., Yuan, Y., & Choe, Y. (2021). Application of graph theory to mining the similarity of travel trajectories. Tourism Management, 87, 104391. [PDF]


Park, S., & Zhong, R. R. (2021). Pattern Recognition of Travel Mobility in a City Destination: Application of Network Motif Analytics. Journal of Travel Research, 00472875211024739. [PDF]


Yu, Y., Xue, J., Park, S., & Yue Y (2021). Towards a multidimensional view of tourist mobility patterns in cities: A mobile phone data perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 86, 101593. [PDF]


Kim, Y. R., Williams, A. M., Park, S., & Chen, J. L. (2021). Spatial spillovers of agglomeration economies and productivity in the tourism industry: The case of the UK. Tourism Management, 104201. [PDF]





Yang, X., Li, Jingyan, Belyi, A., & Park, S. (2020). Characterizing destination networks through mobility traces of international tourists - A case study using a nationwide mobile positioning dataset. Tourism Management, 104195. [PDF]


Xu, Y., Li, J., Xue, J., Park, S., & Li. Q (2020). Tourism geography through the lens of time use –A computational framework using fine-grained mobile phone data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 1-25. [PDF]


Park, S., Xu, Y., Jiang, L., Chen, Z., & Huang, S. (2020). Spatial structures of tourism destinations: A trajectory data mining approach leveraging mobile big data. Annals of Tourism Research, 84, 102973. [PDF]


Park, S., Lee, J. S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2020). Understanding the dynamics of the quality of airline service attributes: Satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Tourism Management, 81, 104163. [PDF]


Park, S., & Stangl, B. (2020). Augmented reality experiences and sensation seeking. Tourism Management, 77, 104023. [PDF]


Sharma, A., Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2020). Testing loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity in review sentiment. Tourism Management, 77, 104020. [PDF]


Park, S. (2020). Multifaceted trust in tourism service robots. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102888. [PDF]


Stangl, B., Ukpabi, D. C., & Park, S. (2020). Augmented Reality Applications: The Impact of Usability and Emotional Perceptions on Tourists’ App Experiences. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2020 (pp. 181-191). Springer, Cham. 





Wan, C. K., Lee, K. S., Leung, D., & Park, S. (2019). Using Design Thinking as an Educational Tool for Conceptualizing Future Smart Hotel Guest Experiences. E-review of Tourism Research, 17(3). [PDF]


Park, S., & Tussyadiah, I. P. (2019). How guests develop trust in hosts: An investigation of trust formation in P2P accommodation. Journal of Travel Research, 0047287519884654. [PDF]


Hu, X. S., Yang, Y., & Park, S. (2019). A meta-regression on the effect of online ratings on hotel room rates. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 


Dayour, F., Park, S., & Kimbu, A. N. (2019). Backpackers’ perceived risks towards smartphone usage and risk reduction strategies: A mixed methods study. Tourism Management, 72, 52-68. 





Yang, Y., Park, S., & Hu, X. (2018). Electronic word of mouth and hotel performance: A meta-analysis. Tourism Management, 67, 248-260. [PDF]


Tussyadiah, I. P., & Park, S. (2018). When guests trust hosts for their words: Host description and trust in sharing economy. Tourism Management, 67, 261-272. [PDF]


Hwang, J., Park, S., & Woo, M. (2018). Understanding user experiences of online travel review websites for hotel booking behaviours: An investigation of a dual motivation theory. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(4), 359-372. [PDF]


Tussyadiah, I. P., & Park, S. (2018). Consumer evaluation of hotel service robots. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2018 (pp. 308-320). Springer, Cham. [PDF]





Park, S., & Kim, D. Y. (2017). Assessing language discrepancies between travelers and online travel recommendation systems: Application of the Jaccard distance score to web data mining. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 381-388. 


Park, S., & Huang, Y. (2017). Motivators and inhibitors in booking a hotel via smartphones. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.


Park, S., & Tussyadiah, I. P. (2017). Multidimensional facets of perceived risk in mobile travel booking. Journal of Travel Research, 56(7), 854-867. [PDF]


Park, S., & Chen, J. L. (2017). Spill-over Effects of Online Consumer Reviews in the Hotel Industry. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017 (pp. 115-127). Springer, Cham. [PDF]


Park, S. (2017). Estimating the effect of online consumer reviews: an application of count data models.  In Analytics in Smart Tourism Design (pp. 147-163). Springer, Cham. [PDF]





Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2016). Effects of general and particular online hotel ratings. Annals of Tourism Research, 62, 110-116. 


Park, S., Tussyadiah, I. P., & Zhang, Y. (2016). Assessment of perceived risk in mobile travel booking. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016 (pp. 467-480). Springer, Cham. 





Liu, Z., & Park, S. (2015). What makes a useful online review? Implication for travel product websites. Tourism Management, 47, 140-151. [PDF]


Hwang, J., & Park, S. (2015). Social media on smartphones for restaurant decision-making process. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015 (pp. 269-281). Springer, Cham. 


Park, S., & Nicolau, J. L. (2015). Asymmetric effects of online consumer reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 50, 67-83. 





Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012). The role of smartphones in mediating the touristic experience. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4), 371-387. [PDF]

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